CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024

CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024 Registration Closed

Jazakallah Khair for being part of
CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024

Dear Brother / Sister

Welcome to CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024 an initiative by CIGMA Foundation, Bangalore in association with Bearys Education, Mangalore.

Important Guidelines before you fill the Registration Form

  1. This is a One Time Registration Only.
  2. You DO NOT need to register everyday.
  3. You have to fill the registration form to get your CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024 Participant ID termed henceforth as CRQ2024ID
  4. CRQ2024ID is mandatory to Participate in the Daily Quiz.
  5. After you submit the registration form, we will generate your CRQ2024ID in the backend.
  6. Once generated, your CRQ2024ID will not Change.
  7. The Unique CRQ2024ID of every registered participant will be published on our website
  8. Visit Registered Participants Page at to know your CRQ2024ID.
  9. The Registered Participants Page is Updated everyday at 9am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm and 8pm (all IST).
  10. After submitting the registration form, please wait for the time mentioned above to know your CRQ2024ID.
  11. Please make a note of your CRQ2024ID and use it to enter in the Daily Quiz Google Form

Important Guidelines Regarding Email ID

  1. In the Registration Form you will be asked to confirm the email ID you will be using.
  2. Please make sure you choose the correct email ID.
  3. After you complete the Registration Form, we will link your Email ID and the CRQ2024ID generated for you.
  4. Make sure to use the same Email ID to answer the Daily Quiz everyday.

Invalid Participation

If you answer the Daily Quiz from a different Email ID (other than the one used for Registration), it will be invalid and not eligible for attendance, scores and prize money.

Join CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024 Whatsapp Community

  1. The Daily Quiz link is posted in the Whatsapp Community everyday at 3pm (IST) in Ramadan 2024.
  2. Please make sure you join this Whatsapp Community.
  3. We also update the Community with the latest news related to CRQ2024