CIGMA Ramadan Quiz 2024

Ramadan The holy month of purity and blessings – A gift that keeps on giving

Ramadan is a month where almost 93% of the Muslim population across the globe participate in the act of fasting and worship. A beautiful period where the gates of Heaven are opened and that of Hell are closed. The devil is chained and the Almighty rains gifts in the form of blessings for the people. It is a very holy month as it signifies the revelation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Archangel Jibreel (A.S). 

Some people believe that Ramadan is just about fasting from dawn to dusk but in reality, it is about learning to exercise self-control and abstaining from sinful acts like gambling and music. It is also about controlling one’s urge to gossip and complain and learn about the act of patience. We should understand the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the holy month is a golden opportunity for people to exercise good habits and feel for the people who do not have food everyday. 

However, for those of you who are wondering about fasting, what exactly is Ramadan about and the do’s-and-don’ts involved ; this article has it covered for you!

Also Check : When is Ramadan 2024

Ramadan 2024

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim Lunar Calendar which commences at the sighting of the new moon after the month of Shaban. It is the month when muslims around the world fast for a period of twenty-nine to thirty days and celebrate its ending in the form of Eid ul Fitr which is a three-day festival. In a sense you can call it akin to Christmas as there are family gatherings, exchanging of presents and a generally jovial atmosphere.

Ramadan commemorates the first revelation of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, to Prophet Muhammad. It’s a time for believers to focus on their faith, strengthen their connection with God (Allah), and ask for forgiveness.

Also Check : Ramadan Fasting 2024 : The Benefits of fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan

It is an obligatory act for the people who are healthy and sane. Fasting is exempted for the traveling, the chronically-ill, diabetic, pregnant, lactating and menstruating women and the mentally-ill people. Children and the elderly are also exempted from fasting. 

Fasting is a way of not only avoiding the consumption of food: it is a way to practice empathy for the less-fortunate. Fasting individuals are also required to prevent gossiping, complaining, fornication and other sins as these acts can nullify your fast altogether. Muslims are also encouraged to drive away unhealthy thoughts like jealousy, envy, lust and anger.

The most well-known practice during Ramadan is fasting from dawn to dusk. This physical act of abstaining from food and drink serves as a reminder of those less fortunate and cultivates empathy and self-control. Here are some key aspects of observing Ramadan:

  • Muslims wake up before dawn for a meal called Suhoor. From dawn to dusk, Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and marital relations. This period of self-restraint allows for spiritual growth.
  • Special night prayers called Taraweeh are offered in mosques throughout Ramadan. These prayers provide an opportunity for extended worship and community connection.  
  • At dusk, the fast is broken with a meal called Iftar, often shared with family and friends. It’s a joyous occasion filled with gratitude and togetherness. 
  • Ramadan is a time for increased generosity. Muslims are encouraged to donate to charity like Zakat and help those in need. 
  • Many Muslims dedicate time to reading and reflecting on the Quran throughout Ramadan. This strengthens their understanding of their faith and deepens their connection with the holy book.

Also Check : Ramadan Mubarak 2024

The Spirit of Ramadan

Ramadan, in muslim countries, is in a league of its own. You see colorful lanterns dotting roads and malls, you see billboards flashing ‘Ramadan Kareem’ at the sighting of the new moon, marketplaces are bejeweled with stalls and discounts on clothing. 

You witness mosques distributing free iftar meals. People sell dates and distribute it around with a heart bigger than anything else. 

The colorful streets combined with the display of brotherhood and unity amongst Muslims is the actual essence of Ramadan

Night and day are blurred together as you can see people in mosques even at the dead of the night. There is Ramadan in the air, in the sleeves and in the food that you eat! 

The holy month in other countries is also brilliant in its own way. You see tents around restaurants that sell special food items only during Ramadan.

The excitement before the month arrives, the joy when it is finally here and the sadness when it ends. And then the exhilaration when Eid ul Fitr finally arrives.

Also Check : Ramadan Quiz 2024

The real ‘Spirit’ of Ramadan 

Most importantly, the spirit of Ramadan is actually about improving one’s spiritual connection to God as well as taking steps forward to increase the purity of your soul. It is about strengthening the connection with the Holy Quran through punctual recitation and prayers. 

Ramadan also fosters a sense of unity and universal brotherhood between communities as they gather together to pray and break the fast. By abstaining from basic necessities, Muslims appreciate the blessings in their lives and develop empathy for those less fortunate.

Ramadan 2

Should I fast during exams?

‘Good grades’ will certainly not budge the doors of Heaven so it is mandatory for you to fast despite your exams. 

Also Check : Rules of Taraweeh Salah and Taraweeh Ki Dua

Fasting during extreme weathers

Ramadan is very demanding during extreme weather like summers and winters. Ramadan in the Middle East is usually around the time when the sun is over everybody’s head and the temperatures are as high as the universe. 

You will be alright as long as you do not overwork during your fast in such weather conditions.

In the Middle East and UAE, working hours are reduced during Ramadan to provide ease to the workers.


In conclusion, Ramadan is a sacred time for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and community. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can reap the full benefits of this upcoming Ramadan 2024 month. Keep in mind that you are fasting before indulgently and longingly looking at a glass of water. 

Remember, Ramadan Kareem! May this Ramadan 2024 be filled with peace, blessings, and spiritual nourishment.

Also check : Ramadan Fasting 2023-24